Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Global Warming and Its Effects Essay - 608 Words

Global warming is an increase in the earths temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases. Climate changes occur in our earths atmosphere due to a buildup of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases can occur naturally as well as a result of human activities. Problems can occur when higher concentrations of greenhouse gases are present in our atmosphere because they have enhanced our earths heat trapping capability. There are many misconceptions about global warming. Some believe that pollution causes global warming, but the fact is global warming is the result of burning fossil fuels, coal, and oil that†¦show more content†¦Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for about 80% of todays carbon dioxide emissions, 25% of methane, and 20% of the nitrous oxide emissions. The increase in agriculture, deforestation, land fills, industrial production, and mining contribute a significant share of emissions too The Centers for Disease Control have been involved in studying global warmings effect on human health. Global warming is a danger to a humans health. Its affect on climate can adversely affect humans. Plagues have been attributed to global warming. An increase in temperature can result in a longer life cycle for diseases or the agents spreading them. Living in a warm area makes egg production a quicker process. Global warming will lead to more precipitation, which enables infectious diseases to be more easily contracted and spread. Effects of global warming on human health might not be immediately detected. Birds are a species that will be affected by a change in the climate. Global warming might result in birds finding a more permanent home in northern areas in the Northern Hemisphere. The ecosystems of fish will be affected by global warming in a variety of ways. The chemical composition of wa ter could be changed. Fish may migrate to different areas. Other animals could be affected also due to changes in climate and habitat. Global warming can affect our futureShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Its Effects985 Words   |  4 PagesEnvironmental Science Professor Mahoney 11/11/14 Global Warming Over the last few decades global warming has become one of the biggest environmental issues of all times. Every year, global warming gets worse and it’s affecting the way people live, it is affecting the atmosphere in general, and other living organisms in our planet. Global warming is the gradual and increasing rise of the overall temperature of the Earth caused by the greenhouse effect due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide andRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects Essay1040 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal warming is directly causing the rise in temperature of the Earth. The melting of the polar ice caps causes some of the most pressing issues including the endangerment of species indigenous to this region and the rise of ocean levels. Global Warming Global warming is the steady rise of temperature of the Earth’s surface. What exactly causes global warming? Numerous sources fuel global warming, such as deforestation, permafrost, and even sunspots. Obviously, many factors contribute to thisRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1331 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming Global warming is the causation of the Glaciers melting, sea levels rising, cloud forests drying, and wildlife struggles today. Humans are making this possible because of their release of heat-trapping gasses known as greenhouse gasses by their modern devices. Global warming is the abnormal speedy increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature. It is believed that this is due to the greenhouse gasses that people release into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.The greenhouseRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects976 Words   |  4 PagesAs global warming, we understand that is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It has been an immense concerning all over the world for the past decades since the current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that humans, animals and plants rely on. Scientists have studied the natural cycles and events that are known to influence the change in climate to discover what i s originating the current global warming. However, the amount and pattern ofRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1571 Words   |  7 PagesAs global issues today become increasingly controversial, many people are inclined to believe that Global Warming is an issue that can take a backseat to more significant issues that plague today’s society. The information presented throughout my research in regards to the rising sea levels and the melting of glaciers and ice shelves, highly indicates that it cannot. What many Americans fail to realize is that if sea levels continue to rise due to Global Warming, then more than half of LouisianaRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming is one of the vigorously discussed topic on Earth today. According to a TechMedia Network, â€Å"Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to b e permanently changing the Earth’s climate.† (â€Å"Global Warming †¦ Effects†). We have been witnessing the change in Earth’s climate since past few years, and we are well aware of the consequences of climate change as well. Global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1432 Words   |  6 Pageshas an effect on climate change and contributes to global warming. Yet people tend to turn a blind eye to global warming and label it as a myth, whether they do not believe in it or it is not in their best financial interest to believe in it. Let us take a closer look at global warming and the effects it has on our people, homes and environments. Global Warming has become a rising problem in our world’s climate. It’s time we show the initiative to understand the concept of global warming and showRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects928 Words   |  4 PagesGlobal-Warming Mother Earth is burning as we speak; humanity has killed our precious Earth. Global-warming is a vicious killer that was created by the humans on this Earth, and there s no way to cure it. We, as humans, have the power to cleanse the Earth, but instead we destroy it. Heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas absorb thermal radiation emitted by the Earth s surface. As the sun s energy reaches the Earth’s surface some of it goes back out into spaceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1416 Words   |  6 Pages Global Warming The earth is getting warmer, animals and their habitats are declining, human health is at risk and the cause of all this terror is Global Warming. Global warming will cause many parts of the world to change. In the next 50 years climate change could be the cause of more than a million terrestrial species becoming extinct. Sea levels will raise which means more flooding and is not good for the plants. With too much water the plants will die and herbivores will lose theirRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1312 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming is presenting a lot of environmental and health problems to many countries. A lot of heat gets trapped on earth due to formation of a non-porous layer gases below the atmosphere. The worst effect is felt by developing countries, which are also geographically disadvantaged. The establishment of such countries is on low altitude areas. This position makes developing countries to be direct victims of floods from the melting snow at high altit ude areas. A lot of scientific research associates

Monday, December 16, 2019

Swot Analysis of Delta Airlines Free Essays

SWOT analysis Strength 1. Innovation: * â€Å"Track check bags† 2. Market share leadership 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Analysis of Delta Airlines or any similar topic only for you Order Now Strong management team 4. Strong brand equity 5. Flights are usually on time 6. The merger and acquisition | Weakness * The number of cancelling flights is a little high * The customer service is bad because in some occasion the customer can’t found the delta representative in the airport. Lack of online presence * In some aircrafts the seats are uncomfortable and narrow | Opportunities * Emerging markets and expansion abroad * Product and services expansion * Development of new technologies and the web | Threats * Competition * Economic slowdown and crises * External changes * Lower cost competitors * Price wars and revolution * Oil Price growth * Terrorism| Strength: 1. Innovation: * Delta earned the top 5 in the rank of most innovative airline * â€Å"Track checking bag† new service launched by Delta to allow customer to track their luggage in real-time. Also they can do it via their smartphone using the bag tag number. * On board the plan delta offers the full-lie bed in the business Elite. Also it plans to offer to the flat bed seat to the entire international fleet. * Gogo’s internet service is equipped in all the aircrafts * In 18 airports Delta installed the â€Å"wireless power-pad† 2. Market share leadership: * Delta ranks the first place in the airline domestic market share with 16% * Due to its strong financial strategy Delta was the only airline company which wasn’t affect by the event of September 2001 3. Strong management team: * More than 80,646 employees work in Delta * by providing entertainment in the plan and being helpful with travelers * Through its leadership Mike (the executive vice president of Human resource an labor Relation) established an entire culture in the company. So employees worked as a team not individually, which lead them to focus on the quality of their services. 4. Strong brand equity * â€Å"welcome change welcome new delta† * Due to its brand and history Delta still until now challenging competitors. . Flights on time * In 2013 412,617 of flight are on time which means 80, 89% of all the flights that Delta operates arrive just in time. * This percentage and statistics evolved since 2004 6. The merger and acquisition * Through it 2 last merger with Northwest and virgin airline, Delta become the second largest airline of passengers * In addition this situation allows the company to make many alliance with different airport in different countries. Weakness 1. The number of canceled flights is little high * Despite the fact that the rate of the delayed decrease but still high comparing to Delta which the second largest company * The number of delayed flight represent 7,561 among 509,519operation flights * From the feedback of some travelers they complained ; that the company didn’t inform them about the situation 2. Some complaint about the customer service Since 2010 Delta was trying to improve its customer services because it affects directly the number of travelers, thus the company was focusing on training its employees to and offered to those training programs and seminaries to improve their service. 3. Lack of online presence: * Delta needs to improve its application for privacy policy. * The social network are not update 4. Uncomfortable seats From some customers opinion I conclude that there some seat especially the economy class in the old aircrafts are uncomfortable. And the company did a huge mistake for using those plan for long time flight (so the customer in this case will be disappointed and they admitted that they have spent the worst flight on their life) Opportunities 1. Emerging market and expansion aboard : * This situation leads Delta to increase its market share * The company preview to include flights to Romania, Dubai and other countries. * From this expansion the company’s revenues increase by 20u 2. Product and service expansion Sky-bonus is a service designed for company to collect points and become member in delta sky club. * There is also the award business Elite service, sky Mile and many other services. 3. Development of new technologies * Technologies nowadays is growing faster so delta should be aware of this situation and try to search and innovate some technologies which can help the customer and offer to him a high level of satisfaction. Threats 1. Competition * local competitors like southwest airline, US airways . Economic slowdown and crises * Can decrease the number of customers, thus the revenues of Delta will decrease also. * Especially the European crises which affects many businessmen and leads to their bankruptcy 3. External changes * For example the taxation, political situations, wars. 4. Lower cost competitors * This situation can affects badly company especially they use lower cost and lower service to offer to their customer cheaper tickets for their flights 5. Price wars and revolution In this case the company should delayed flights, as a consequence its revenue will decrease. 6. Oil price growth * Oil price increase every years which is one of the major cost of the company 7. Terrorism http://www. airlinequality. com/Product/Yseat-DL. htm http://news. delta. com/index. php? s=18item=88 http://dealbook. on. nytimes. com/Public/Deals? symbol=DAL https://www. worldagentdirect. com/deltaair/products/index. do http://www. transtats. bts. gov/HomeDrillChart. asp? URL_SelectYear=201 3URL_SelectMonth=1URL_Time=1URL_Selection=1 How to cite Swot Analysis of Delta Airlines, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Case Study of Espoir Cosmetics free essay sample

Compiled is a case analysis of the Espoir Cosmetics Company’ decision as to whether develop a Global Branding initiative or to carry on with the firms existent Domesticated marketing concept. This document breaks down the operational environment of the firm, and proceeds o avail some recommendations as the best courses of action that Espoir can take. The firm exits within the personal care industry, whose key success factors and industry structure is oriented as below. The personal care industry is characteristic of a few dominant firms, which have often built their brand equity over a long period. The industry is a competitive oligopoly in nature. Success within this industry is dependent on a firm’s ability to adapt products to suit the local market and detect potential opportunities within those markets. ?Customer‘s Needs/ Preferences Incorporating a multi –domestic approach is one of the more effective strategies as it satisfies each markets unique need. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study of Espoir Cosmetics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A global campaign would be quite effective for larger market segments with similar needs. Packaging Practicality is of essence depending on which market segment Espoir targets. For example, the Asian market demanded bottles of nail polish that were smaller than the standard 12-milliliter. The size and packaging of products in this industry has influence on the success. ?Economies of scale With many more local and international players joining the industry, cost reduction is a favored competitive tool. The potential for economies of scale have increased as players seek to reduce the cost of production by producing in volumes ? Brand Equity To succeed in the personal care industry the firm has to build a strong brand that will compete against other brands. Espoir aims to cultivate the image of the smart, independent risk taker woman. It is crucial to build the image of beauty, status and fashion in the mind of the consumer. A strong brand image captures the ever changing preferences of customers. ?Competitive forces New entrants into the industry are; fashion designers, celebrities who also offer competition from unfamiliar and unexpected quarters. The main competitors are Revlon. Existing strategy is Multi-domestic, which is characterized by localized tailoring of production to suit the, culture, needs, and income of the local consumer. ?Innovation Continuous and incremental innovation is a must so as to keep up with the changing preferences and trends of users. This enables a firm to keep ahead of its competitors and create more value to the consumers. Espoir enjoys some of the following advantages; i. e. its sources of Competitive Advantage: (and can tap further more into its strengths to grow) -Technology-Sales and marketing Low costs,-Better product design -Better marketing systems-Economies of scale INDUSTRY SUCCESS FACTORS To be successful in the industry a firm requires: ?Learning curve experience – Time taken to introduce a product in new market takes a shorter period. ?Innovation –It is necessary to come up with new products as the market progresses. ?Brand recognition – The product should be well known. ?Sound marketing strategi es –These should facilitate proper positioning and market segmentation. ?Consumer responsiveness. Knowledge of the consumer consumption patterns as well as created need. ?Continuous R D –To ensure growth a company needs to research on new trends and products for its market. ?Efficiency in production – This ensure there are no wastages. ?Availability – Customers should find it when they need it. ?Diversification – A company should have a portfolio of its beauty products and others for risk control. ?Leadership – Ensuring you have a larger market share compared to our competitors. CASE ISSUES The identified challenges of Espoir were; Changing consumer Trends There are emerging a different class of customers in India who have a preference for foreign/ global brands. This is a result of the exposure to the western way of life through television and movies ? Different tastes and preferences were also prevalent in the different market segments. i. e. America, Asia, Europe. ?Recession in the US economy This was affecting Espoir key market which was US. The global branding plan was to be highly dependent on a marketing budget which would financed by other offices in different countries. The US economy provided 80% of Espoirs revenue. Competition – There incre ase in price based competition from local brands which was driving down revenues, while competitors such as Revlon, had already promoted movies, compounded with stiff competition from Asian brands in the Asian market. ?Leadership The marketing function was not well coordinated across the countries and the role of the Head of Marketing was not well defined. The country mangers were supposed to be independent and accountable to the Head of marketing at the same time. Communication was a challenge within the organization, Resistance to change ? Positioning The brand was not well positioned as a global brand and brand management was not coordinated across all countries of operation. Different approach of promotions needed for different markets; Easter Europe needed beauty business promotions. ?Cultural issues different customers in the global market have different culture and this calls for a different strategy to handle their needs ? Distribution channels challenge – The distribution of the products through departmental stores was not effective because it was cutting off a large number of customers in India. Globalization was I itself becoming a challenge, as illustrated in India – with some customers identifying with more global brands. The quality of global marketing campaigns done is better than local campaigns and evident was increased complexity within the organization with emerging conflicts between the regional heads and headquarters. He has to make a decision on whether to adapt a global marketing strategy or sustain its existing multi-domestic marketing approach, all the while his intention is noted to be geared towards enhancing / growing the company, with the best laid strategy in hand. He has to give the direction on how Espoir Cosmetics is to Brand itself in the face on newly emerging global trends.Threat of new entrants Industry penetration by new firms on dominant positions was difficult, as existing firms had built significant brand equity and recognition. However, as the industry was not capital intensive, firms in the fashion industry were gaining inroads by creating their own brands of cosmetic products. There were also smaller players who competed in various regional markets, without having any global presence. For example, several Asian brands had launched their products in India. ?Bargaining Power of suppliers Raw materials are sourced from Africa, Asia and Latin America and Pacific Islands. The materials usually fetched low prices due to the availability of the products an indication that the suppliers did not yield much power. Also the suppliers were small scale and dispersed. However, future trends show that the bargaining power of suppliers will improve given the high technology advancement available in the market. For example, a Bio Organic Concepts has been created to serve the unique raw material needs of the Personal Care Industry. This is accomplished by providing ingredients that are truly derived from natural sources and contain the functional properties required by the personal care industry. It’s also dedicated to searching the world for exceptional, innovative raw materials as well as to the development of new, creative materials. Such materials can be made available on a proprietary basis; or, these materials can be created to fill a problem-solving niche for the research cosmetic chemist. ?Bargaining Power of buyers The market was largely driven by consumer tastes and preferences. By Espoir going global, they’re simply trying to match up to the customers needs. There was a struggle by firms to reduce buyers power by creating brand loyalty through brand and product extensions. Despite this, buyers yielded considerable power, as there were numerous products available and were slightly differentiated. For example in India, two teenagers couldn’t find the color of nail polish they wanted and the shopkeeper had to promise to order it for them for them before they would go away. Natasha also admits to Mazur that they had to launch global colors in India because their customers were asking why they were not available. Low switching costs to other competing brands gave buyers more bargaining power. Possibility of backward integration by using homemade products would pose a weak threat to the industry, as consumers identified with a recognized brand globally. ?Availability of Substitutes Consumers could choose to use natural products such as herbal treatments, mud, oils, Aloe Vera, homemade remedies such as avocado, egg white, honey, cinnamon or henna for nail polish, which were available in plenty. The power of substitutes was weakening as cosmetic firms were already beginning to create products using organic substance. ?Intensity of firm rivalry As global borders became less and less obvious, the firm rivalry intensified as the firms took the competition right to their rivals doorstep. Rivalry focused on brand building, product differentiation and distribution channels. For example Espoir’s main rival, Revlon had boosted top-of-mind awareness by tying in with movies like â€Å"The 2002 Bond Film† and â€Å"Die Another Day† which challenged Ed Johnson to fight back as intensely. In the regional markets like India, shop counters were full of trays containing cosmetics that had both local and global brands. This intensified competition between the firms. Customization of the products to local standard are done by the local office ? Inbound Logistics Done locally; country offices know what works best for them. ?Outbound Logistics This was effectively done at the country level due to good knowledge of the operating environment. Therefore each country’s office should be responsible for distribution of s its own products, in the way it sees fit. ?Marketing and Sales The head office should be heavily involved in the marketing of the premium brand. Part of the marketing campaign such as posters and backlist for airports was done at the head office. Case Study of Espoir Cosmetics free essay sample Compiled is a case analysis of the Espoir Cosmetics Company’ decision as to whether develop a Global Branding initiative or to carry on with the firms existent Domesticated marketing concept. This document breaks down the operational environment of the firm, and proceeds o avail some recommendations as the best courses of action that Espoir can take. The firm exits within the personal care industry, whose key success factors and industry structure is oriented as below. The personal care industry is characteristic of a few dominant firms, which have often built their brand equity over a long period. The industry is a competitive oligopoly in nature. Success within this industry is dependent on a firm’s ability to adapt products to suit the local market and detect potential opportunities within those markets. ?Customer‘s Needs/ Preferences Incorporating a multi –domestic approach is one of the more effective strategies as it satisfies each markets unique need. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study of Espoir Cosmetics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A global campaign would be quite effective for larger market segments with similar needs. Packaging Practicality is of essence depending on which market segment Espoir targets. For example, the Asian market demanded bottles of nail polish that were smaller than the standard 12-milliliter. The size and packaging of products in this industry has influence on the success. ?Economies of scale With many more local and international players joining the industry, cost reduction is a favored competitive tool. The potential for economies of scale have increased as players seek to reduce the cost of production by producing in volumes ? Brand Equity To succeed in the personal care industry the firm has to build a strong brand that will compete against other brands. Espoir aims to cultivate the image of the smart, independent risk taker woman. It is crucial to build the image of beauty, status and fashion in the mind of the consumer. A strong brand image captures the ever changing preferences of customers. ?Competitive forces New entrants into the industry are; fashion designers, celebrities who also offer competition from unfamiliar and unexpected quarters. The main competitors are Revlon. Existing strategy is Multi-domestic, which is characterized by localized tailoring of production to suit the, culture, needs, and income of the local consumer. ?Innovation Continuous and incremental innovation is a must so as to keep up with the changing preferences and trends of users. This enables a firm to keep ahead of its competitors and create more value to the consumers. Espoir enjoys some of the following advantages; i. e. its sources of Competitive Advantage: (and can tap further more into its strengths to grow) -Technology-Sales and marketing Low costs,-Better product design -Better marketing systems-Economies of scale To be successful in the industry a firm requires: ?Learning curve experience – Time taken to introduce a product in new market takes a shorter period. ?Innovation –It is necessary to come up with new products as the market progresses. ?Brand recognition – The product should be well known. ?Sound marketing strategies –These should facilitate proper positioning and market segmentation. ?Consumer responsiveness. Knowledge of the consumer consumption patterns as well as created need. ?Continuous R D –To ensure growth a company needs to research on new trends and products for its market. ?Efficiency in production – This ensure there are no wastages. ?Availability – Customers should find it when they need it. Where overseas components will be integrated into the overall corporate structure, with each of the components is empowered to become a source of specialized innovation it will allow for the attainment of benefits inherent in both global and multi-domestic strategies. Espoir’s enhanced differentiated contributions by all of its units to integrated worldwide operations, it will lead to the development of relatively standardized and yet flexible products to be availed to meet their customer needs that will capture local and global markets. The highly recommend strategy for Espoir is therefore a transnational strategy.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Who or what do you consider to be most responsible for the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

Who or what do you consider to be most responsible for the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet? Essay For this essay I am going to consider who or what is most responsible for the tragic outcome of romeo and juliet. There are many people who could be held responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet these include Friar Laurence, the Capulet family, the Montague family, Paris or even Romeo or Juliet themselves. Out of all the characters in the play I consider Friar Laurence or Juliets Nurse to be most responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet, whereas I also consider fate to be a very important factor of the tragedy. This play is a romantic tragedy. This means that from the beginning you know that the play is going to include romance and tragedy. Shakespeare was influenced by what was going on at the time when he wrote the play. For example the role of men and women in the house. Men overpowered women telling them what to do and what to believe. The family names were based on the families who were partly responsible for the civil strife in Italy. They were called the Montecchi family and the Capelletti family. So when the story of Romeo and Juliet was written and two families who contribute to a tragic outcome are needed this context was used but changed to Montague and Capulet. We will write a custom essay sample on Who or what do you consider to be most responsible for the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Who or what do you consider to be most responsible for the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Who or what do you consider to be most responsible for the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The character who I would say is least responsible is Mercutio. He could be held responsible because if he had not duelled with Tybalt he would not have been killed. This led to Romeo killing Tybalt and being banished. Mercutio started by laughing at Tybalt, which angers him. When Romeo enters the scene Tybalt insults him by calling him a villain No better term than this thou art a villain. This means that Tybalt is calling Romeo a peasant, which is a great insult to a man of noble birth like Romeo. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel, when he refuses Mercutio takes up the challenge. If he had not done this then Romeo would not have been banished. Tybalt, you rat catcher, will you walk? Here Mercutio is asking Tybalt if he will fight with him. Calling him a rat catcher is referring to Tybalt being the Prince of Cats, in this fight Tybalt kills Mercutio. O Romeo, Romeo! Brave Mercutio is dead. Benvolio tells Romeo that Mercutio is dead. When Tybalt returns Romeo kills him. This gets Romeo banished. There are other characters that have added to this tragic ending more than Mercutio. The next characters that I will be looking at are Old Montague and Lady Montague. They did not take part in the action of the play but if they had not been feuding with the Capulets then Romeo and Juliet could have married without having to do it in secret. Old Montague is still eager to draw his sword and fight the Capulets. Thou villian Capulet! Hold me not; let me go. He wants to fight with Old Capulet but Lady Montague will not let him. Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe. She wants to keep them from duelling and so stopping the families from making peace. If they had not been feuding and wanting to fight with the Capulets then the families could have been happy. I feel that although Juliet was one of the characters who ended with a tragic death she was partly responsible herself. She made many mistakes, which led to her death. The first of these is at the party where she meets Romeo for the first time. They flirt together and kiss Romeo says Then move not, while my prayers effect I take. This tells her what he is about to do to her, she does not pull away but instead she kisses him back. Another instance where she performs an action, which leads, towards her death is in the orchard. She exchanges promises of love and marriage to Romeo. If that thy bent of love be honourable, Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow. Here she says that if his love to her is good and true then they should marry and tell her the next day when and where. Soon after Juliet marries Romeo in secret. You do not see them get married but when the Friar says Come, come with me, and we will make short work, For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone, Till holy church incorporate two in one. He is telling them to go with him where he will marry them quickly. When she refuses to marry Paris is another important thing which leads towards her death He shall not make me there a joyful bride! From hearing this her Father forces her in to marrying Paris or he threatens to disown her. The nurse tells her to forget Romeo and Juliet is alone. The main thing that went towards her death was when she took the sleeping potion. Heres drink I drink to thee! The potion made her sleep for forty-two hours, everybody would think she was dead and she would run off to be with Romeo. If she had not done these things she would have lived, married to Paris but alive. She shouldnt have deceived and disobeyed her parents and she was too hasty in rushing in to marriage. I would say that Romeo is as much to blame as Juliet is. He goes to the Capulet party when he is not invited the servant say If you be not of the house of Montagues Romeo is a Montague but he goes along to the party anyway. If he had not gone then he would not have met Juliet in the first place and so would not have led to their deaths. After he met Juliet he fell in love very quickly and acted too hastily. If he had been able to control his anger when Tybalt killed Mercutio he would not have been banished for killing Tybalt. Either thou, or I, or both must go with him. Here Romeo tells Tybalt that one of them or both of them must go with Mercutio to the grave. If he had not killed Tybalt Romeo and Juliet could have carried on their secret relationship much easier. He acted very violently. He acted very hastily which meant that he did not get all of the facts before he rushed back to Verona when Balthasar told him that Juliet was dead. He rushed to an apothecary who gave him a poison to kill himself when he sees Juliet dead. To Juliets grave, for there I must use thee. This tells us that he is going to Juliets grave to use the poison and kill himself. If he had not rushed off the second letter which Friar Laurence sent him would have reached him and he would have known the truth about Juliet. He should have thought more carefully and they might have ended up happy together. I feel that the Capulet family contributes to the tragic ending of the play more than the Montague family because if they had not pressured Juliet in to marrying Paris then she would not have taken the potion that resulted in her death. Juliet says Ill to the friar to know his remedy: If all else fail, myself have power to die. There she says that if the friar has no way of stopping the marriage she would kill herself. Capulet is so anxious to find Juliet a good husband that he does not stop to ask her what she wants. O Thursday let it be o Thursday tell her, She shall be married to this noble earl. Capulet decided when and to whom Juliet would be married. When she did not want to marry Paris because she was already married to Romeo he threatened to disown her. They also contributed to keeping the feud going like the Montague family. They were too hard on Juliet when she said that she did not want to marry Paris. Fate plays quite a part in this play there are many references to it including the scene before Romeo departs to Mantua. Juliet says O God! I have an ill-divining soul: Me thinks I see thee, now thou art so low, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb: Either my eyesight fails, or thou lookst pale. Juliet has a vision of Romeo dead in a tomb in fact the next time she sees him he is dead in a tomb. In Act three Scene three Friar Laurence says Take heed, take heed, for such die miserable. to Romeo. This means, cheer up cheer up for miserable people will die. This is a reference to fate because Romeo and Juliet both died when they were miserable. Lady Montague also dies at the end of the play when she is miserable about Romeo being banished. If fate has put in an appearance then there is no way of stopping what happens. There are two people who I consider to be most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. These are Juliets nurse and Friar Laurence. Friar Laurence started by secretly marrying Romeo and Juliet. He thought that it might help to end the feud when the families found out. In one respect Ill thy assistant be, For this alliance may so happy prove To turn your households rancour to pure love. He always looked for the brighter side of things; he should have had a second thought that the feud between the families was so ancient and brutal that could the alliance of Romeo and Juliet really help to end the feud? In fact the only thing which ended the feud was the death of their children. The friar also gave Juliet the sleeping potion as part of his badly thought out plan. He acted irresponsibly and lied to everybody about Juliets death. If he had not run off when he heard a noise from within the tomb he could have stopped Juliet from killing herself. Come, go, good Juliet I dare no longer stay. He did not want to be blamed for the deaths of Romeo and Paris and be questioned about why Juliet was alive. The Nurse encouraged Juliet in her romantic ideas. She carried messages and helped the star crossed lovers to meet and get married secretly. She went behind her employers backs; they should have been able to trust her after fourteen years of service. When Juliet was being forced in to marrying Paris the nurse changed her views and advised Juliet to marry Paris. I think it best you married with the county. Juliet then feels alone and turns to the friar and his terrible plan. So from this I think that Mercutio is least responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet and Friar Laurence most responsible although every character has a part in the tragic ending. Mercutio duelled with Tybalt, which resulted in Romeo being banished but the friars terrible plan actually resulted in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. I consider Friar Laurence to be most responsible for the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Running Head Strategic Plan

Running Head Strategic Plan Introduction A strategic plan is a framework or platform that gives an organization a long-term focus and direction. It consists of long-term decisions concerning organizational focus and organizational operations. The main reason why organizations engage in long-term planning is to guarantee a competitive advantage in the future.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Running Head: Strategic Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A strategic plan helps an organization anticipate challenges of the future and prepare for the same. Consequently, a strategic plan is a blue print that explains how the organization is to handle changing environmental challenges. The strategy formulation process helps management to think out of the box. Such a process helps management to consider things that other organizations are likely not to consider or do not have the privilege of considering. What is implied is the fact that in a strategy p rocess, the organization considers how to create a competitive advantage over competition. Usually a strategic plan is a long or medium term plan, which usually encompasses a number of years depending on organizational preferences. In often cases, each department in the organization comes up with its own strategic plan. Therefore, the marketing department, the sales and the Human resource department, among others, will come up with their own independent strategic plans. The human resource strategic plan helps aligning the human resource long-term objectives with the overall long-term objectives of the organization. Queensland Department’s Strategic Plan Strategic Focus As is the case with Queensland department of education and training, their strategic plan covers the period starting 2010 to 2014. Of critical importance in any strategic planning is the vision and mission formulation. The major focus of the Queensland education department’s strategic plan is to accompli sh the collective aims of giving children a good start; laying down a well-grounded educational foundation for children of Queensland. Consequently, the vision of the department is â€Å"clever, Skilled and Creative Queenslanders†. This is where they want to steer their operations towards; the end they desire. Following from the Vision, the strategic plan spells out the mission statement as â€Å"To provide Queenslanders with knowledge, skills and confidence to maximize their potential contribute productively to the economy and build a better Queensland†.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Focus is on developing a critical pool of skilled and knowledgeable youth that will take up important positions in society and make a difference. To achieve this, the strategic plan spells out a number of values. Values are critical because they frame the culture or c onduct that is conducive towards attainment of strategic objectives. Strategic Objectives In every strategic plan, there are clearly stated strategic objectives of the organization. The organization in this case is Queensland while the education department is only part of Queensland state bureaucracy. Consequently, the department’s strategic objectives have to be anchored on the strategic intents of Queensland as a state. The strategic plan for Queensland’s department of education and training spells out the objectives for the department; the objectives outline the organizations aspirations for the four-year period. The department’s strategic plan illustrates its objectives as unitary and geared towards one overall objective i.e. providing education services and requisite resources for proper learning. The objectives of Queensland department of education and training include: To provide all children access to early childhood education To ensure three out of fou r Queenslanders hold a trade training or tertiary level qualification Develop Queenslanders who will power the economy of Queensland with creative ideas To, through education, make young Queenslanders environmental conscious Equip Queenslanders with knowledge to live healthy lifestyles To promote equity and fairness in society Environmental Scanning/ Analysis Coming up with a strategic plan does not end at formulation of objectives and consultation with other stakeholders. To guarantee results there is need for environmental scanning before formulation, during formulation, during implementation and in the evaluation of the strategic plan. Environmental scanning consists investigating into factors both in the internal and external environment of the organization. Internal environmental factors refer to issues relating to the organization in itself that inform its operations. In often cases, the organization has direct control or influence over the internal factors. The external envi ronmental factors are those factors that the organization has no control over but they directly influence organizational operations. Such factors are beyond the organization and relate to external actors in the organizational environment. To scan the environment or to analyze the organizational environment, managers use different tools. Such commonly used models or tools include PESTEL also called the global model and SWOT analysis.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Running Head: Strategic Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More SWOT Analysis SWOT is an acronym of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths are the strong points of an organization i.e. which the organization is advantaged in. These positive aspects, when properly harnessed and enhanced, can propel an organization to much greater height. In every business organization, a number of things or factors either are still being developed or put th e organization at a disadvantage. In many organizations, there are elements, which tend to decline or diminish a business (Bohm, 2009). These issues originate from within a business and are put down as weaknesses in a SWOT matrix. Unless a business organization takes care of the weaknesses, they are likely to bring the business down or place it in a disadvantaged position in comparison to the competitors. Opportunities can be defined as chances that an organization or individual can maximize in order to gain a competitive advantage i.e. overcome the pressure and intimidations of the competitor (OConnor, 1884). Opportunities are external factors that a person or organization may have very minimal authority to influence. Threats refer to factors in the external environment of an organization that are likely to affect the organization negatively (Griffin, 2007). Queensland Department of Education SWOT Analysis Strengths Government’s strong partnership with industry – growth in the use of technology – strong partnership with Australian government and other states, which helps enhance service delivery in all aspects or as per roles assigned to the department Weaknesses Only 32% of Queenslanders accessing early child hood education Higher proportion of children who are developmentally vulnerable Gap between training outcomes for aboriginal, Torres straight Islanders and other Queenslanders Rapid urban growth and diminishing rural population Sparse geographical distribution of population increasing cost of operation – infrastructural challenges – high demand for staff – need to rethink recruitment and staff retention Opportunities Integrating kindergarten in the rest of the education programs Agencies and community read to work with department – opportunities to use technology Threats Global economic downturn Lack of skilled workforce to use advantages and opportunities in state industry and b usinesses Human Resource Implications The SWOT analysis in the strategic plan identified two human resource implications worth considering. These two strategic concerns include recruitment and retention of employee, leaning, growth and development of workforce.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Human Resource Strategic Plan.  Brief Background Recruitment and Retention of Employees One of the key issues that the strategic plan identifies is need to identify and recruit able staff to drive growth. Before identifying staff to recruit, there is the tough challenge of attracting the right candidates. To enable organic growth in the department of education and training at Queensland, recruitment is fundamental. The Queensland labor market is very dynamic and competitive. When the labor market of a nation is dynamic, it is very difficult to draw and maintain highly qualified employees that will make it possible for the organization to accomplish its purposes (Pieper, 1990). The challenge for most human resource managers including the situation in Queensland department of education and training is to engage the right workers and assign them to the right situation or the right place. Further, the managers have the challenge of assisting recruits to work at most favorable level th at provides the organization with an operational advantage. Learning, Development and Growth Employee development and growth as concerns have to do with capacity building for staff such that they are apt enough to meet the aspirations of the department. The department has very rosy dreams in terms of its vision for Queensland. However, only employees will drive that vision to fruition. Therefore, there is need for mechanisms to ensure employees are trained and developed such that they are up to the challenge. Knowledge management will play a serious role in ensuring significant information is identified captured and dispersed in Queensland department of education and training. Such a process allows key information to be dispersed across the organization. Proper information management coupled with training for employees ensures apt decision making in an organization (Harrison, 2005). According to Harrison (2005), the learning and development packages should enhance learning by focusi ng on realistic knowledge and instances with hypothetical resources accessible. In Queensland, there are people of different calibers. Social equity is of critical value and employee development has to take into account the needs of say the aboriginal. The importance of every region’s language is fundamental in dealing in with different clients; given not all of them may be literate to understand a universal or national language. Similarly, the sale of any region cannot be ignored because they form an important ingredient of what lead to the organization aggregate sale and ultimately revenue. Human Resource Plan: Strategic Focus In line with the identified human resource implication, the focus of the human resource department is on ensuring the organization has employees that will drive its strategic vision. Moreover, there is need to focus on developing employees so that they respond to the challenges that the department is facing. Therefore, the vision of the human resource is to ‘avail and develop and human resource pool that will help drive the organizational vision of realizing clever, skilled and creative Queenslanders’. Human Resource Policy Statement Recruitment Policy Statement The objective of any human resource policy is to entice the very good people and equally select the right person for the right positions in an organization (Wilson, 2005). Wilson (2005) further notes that the aspiration in any good human resource policy is to facilitate the engagement of employees, who will uphold the company principles and objectives. A good human resource policy helps towards making employees trustworthy partners in bid to generate a competitive advantage for the organization (Olsen, 2006). A particular employment procedure is intended to make certain an organization is continuously resourced by means of employees who think outside the box, embrace challenges and extend to turn out to be future leaders lashing an organization to achievemen t. Queensland department of education and training will focus on identifying employees who have knowledge, skills and the confidence to drive the vision of the organization. To achieve this dream, the human resourcing managers will be guided by values outlined in the department’s strategic plan. As an equal opportunity employer, the department will strive towards equity by giving marginalized communities opportunities that help build capacity. Equity is very important towards ensuring cultural diversity becomes instrument as opposed to an obstacle to success (Marsh, 1996). Employee Development Policy Statement An organization’s growth is dependent on the quality of employees that have been obtained through the organization’s recruitment process. The current organization’s approach to recruitment cannot accommodate the business changes due to a changing macro environment. Therefore, the human resource plan should encompass directions in terms of how to mee t challenges posed by flux in the business environment. Such changes result from government macro-economic policies (Weisbrod, 2000). These challenges can only be met through continuous learning and development of employees. It is only through training and development that organizational capacity is built to meet emerging needs. Therefore, as the organization sets out towards new frontiers by the year 2014, there is need to focus on further education and development of the employees. Queensland department of education and training highly believes that mutual relations between the employer and employees are critical if organizational objectives are to be achieved (Beesley, 1975). It is the responsibility of the organization to make available fair and sound training opportunities to all employees for the purposes of dealing with knowledge, skill and soft skill gaps in the organization (Beesley, 1975). As a department, Queensland department of education and training is committed to con tinuous improvement. Objective of the Human Resource Plan In line with the aspirations of the Queensland department of education and training’s strategic plan, the human resource sector has to formulate objectives to drive the department’s vision. The two human resource implications identified are recruitment and retention of employees, then learning and development of the human resource; both existing and those to be recruited. Therefore, the human resource objectives are:- To identify and recruit employees that will drive the departments vision To put in place mechanisms that will ensure employee retention To facilitate employee training and development To align current employee expertise with the needs of marginalize groups in society Necessary Resources and Implementation To attain given objectives, there is need to translate them into tangible actions and thus need for an action plan. Each of the identified actions will require given resources in terms of materi als, money, know how, time and work force. To meet rising needs, the department who has to do a proper human resource audit to determine the human resource needs. The human resource audit would consist in analyzing current human resource needs and future human resource needs. Given the department is a government arm it has to take into account government policy. Discussion by James (1997) indicated that government policy has a huge influence on the human resource needs of government organs. It would also consist in analyzing current human resource practices and streamlining them. To achieve this, the department will have to spend on consultative meetings and crucially on engaging and independent human resource consultant. The reliance on an independent human resource consultancy firm to do the auditing is aimed at ensuring objectivity. Once current needs and future needs have been established, the analysis will also guide in terms of comparing current human resource capacity against required human resource capacity. Once the gaps have been quantified, then a job analysis will have to done followed by drawing up of job descriptions. This activity can then be followed by a recruitment and selection drive aimed at meeting the shortfalls. When it comes to employee retention, again there is need to survey the labor market and establish turnover trends. Once labor market trends are established, it offers room for the human resource officers to design total reward packages for the employees. A good remuneration package takes into account the taxation regime in a country (Staple, 2002). A total reward scheme aims at ensuring all employee needs and aspirations are taken into account when designing the remuneration package. The other activity that is crucial for the attainment of set human resource plan objectives is designing a training policy. The training policy should define how the department is to meet knowledge and skill gaps of its employees. The policy should t ranslate into training plans. The training plans should be based on proper training needs assessments i.e. well quantified and qualified training requirements. Moreover, there will be need to institute knowledge management mechanisms so that expertise in the organization may flow to benefit all employees and the organization at large. Milestones for Monitoring the Progress of the Plan Monitoring and evaluation are critical in ensuring a plan is on course. Consequently, in the human resource plan, there are given milestones that will indicate whether the plan is on course or not. The first milestone is doing a proper Human resource audit. Once the audit is done, then proper human resource needs will have been identified. The second miles stone is recruitment and selection reform i.e. the methods of attracting and selecting employees changed to reflect the values espoused in the department’s strategic plan. The final milestone will be coming up with a training policy, doing a n eeds assessment and coming up with a training and development plan. Training and development needs of employees should be factored when designing the total reward package. Ethical Considerations Ensuring equity i.e. fairness and inclusion in the recruitment process Recruitment exercise has to comply with statutory and legislative stipulations Ensuring fairness in job allocation Commensurate compensations and equity in compensation packages. Recommendations Request for key positions that will be required initially to enable a start on recruitment activities Engage external consultant to complete the plan Develop a buddy program for managers who are not skilled in change management. Identifying change management champions to assist managers to engage the strategic plan in the business unit. Conclusion All successful organizations are anchored on long-term decisions that are tailored towards delivering a competitive edge. Strategic planning provides a platform for organizations to think long term. Long term planning helps organizations to choreograph their operations towards acquiring an advantage against its competitors. Considering the strategic plan by Queensland department of education and training, it provides strategic objectives that spell out the overall focus of the organization. Once clear strategic objectives have been formulated, they provide a locus or focus in all organizational operations. To translate the overall organizational objectives into operational reality, departmental strategic plans come in handy. Before, during and after strategy formulation, environmental scanning comes in very handy. This paper identifies the SWOT analysis as the most common tool used in environmental scanning. Further, during environmental scanning, it is emphasized that both the internal and external environment have to be thoroughly scrutinized. Proper analysis of the environment translates into formulation of plans that address the changing environmental facto rs accurately. Reference list Beesley, M. E. (1975). Industrial Relations in a Changing World. New York: Taylor Francis Publishers Bohm, A. (2009). The SWOT Analysis. Norderdedt: GRIN Verlag Publishers Griffin, W. R. (2007). Fundamental of Management. New Jersey: Cengage Learning Publishers Harrison, M. (2005). Learning and Development. London: CIPD Publishing James, S. (1997). British Government: A Reader in Policy Making. New York: Routledge Marsh, P. M. (1996). Cultural Difference: Self-Esteem and Pedagogy. Ohio: Bowling Green State University Press OConnor, A. (1884). Monopoly, the Cause of All Evils. New York: F Didot publishers Olsen, E. (2006). Strategic Planning For Dummies. New York: For Dummies Publishers Pieper, R. (1990). Human Resource Management: An International Comparison. Rome: Walter de Gruyter Publishers Staple, R. (2002). Taxation. Indiana: Taxation Publishers Weisbrod, B. A. (2000). To Profit or Not to Profit: the Commercial Transformation of the Nonprofit Sect or. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Wilson, P. J. (2005). Human Resource Development: Learning Training for Individuals Organizations. London: Kogan Page Publishers

Friday, November 22, 2019

Interrupting Conversations in English

Interrupting Conversations in English Interrupting a discussion can seem impolite, but is often necessary for a number of reasons. For example, you might interrupt a conversation to: Give a message to someoneAsk a quick question that has nothing to do with the conversationGive your opinion about something that has been saidInterrupt to join the conversation Here are forms and phrases used to interrupt conversations and meetings arranged by purpose. Interrupting to Give Someone Information Use these short forms to quickly and efficiently interrupt a conversation to deliver a message. Im sorry to interrupt but youre needed (on the phone / in the office / in the classroom / etc.)Sorry for the interruption. Its Jim / Peter / Mary on the phone.Pardon me, but I have John on the phone.Excuse me, could I get a signature / an answer / a cup of coffee quickly? Interrupting to Ask a Quick Unrelated Question At times we need to interrupt to ask an unrelated question. These short phrases quickly interrupt to ask for something else. Im sorry to interrupt, but this will only take a minute.Sorry for the interruption, but could you (answer a quick question / help me for a moment / give me an opinion on ...)?Im so sorry. This will just take a minute.I apologize for the interruption, but I have an important question. Interrupting to Join the Conversation With a Question Using questions are a polite way of interrupting. Here are some of the most common questions we ask in order to be allowed to join the conversation. Could I jump in?Could I add something?Can I say something?May I interject? Interrupting to Join the Conversation During a conversation we might need to interrupt the conversation if we are not asked for our opinion. In this case, these phrases will help. Would you mind if I joined the conversation?I couldnt help overhearing. (Use when listening to a conversation that you are not a part of)Sorry to butt in, but I think / feel ...If I may, I think / feel ... Interrupting Someone Who Has Interrupted You Sometimes we dont want to allow an interruption. In this case, use the following phrases to bring the conversation back to your point of view. Please let me finish.Let me complete my thought.Would you please let me finish?Can I continue, please? Allowing an Interruption If you want to allow an interruption, use one of these short phrases to allow the person to ask a question, express an opinion, etc.   No problem. Go ahead.Sure, what do you think?Thats OK. What do you need / want? Continuing After an Interruption Once youve been interrupted you can continue your point after the interruption by using one of these phrases. As I was saying, I think / feel ...To get back to what I was saying, I think / feel ...Id like to return to my argument.Continuing where I left off... Example Dialogue Example 1: Interrupting for Something Else Helen: ... its really amazing how beautiful Hawaii is. I mean, you couldnt think of anywhere more beautiful. Anna: Excuse me, but Tom is on the phone. Helen: Thanks Anna. This will only take a moment. Anna: Can I bring you some coffee while she takes the call? George: No thanks. Im fine. Anna: Shell be just a moment.    Example 2: Interrupting to Join the Conversation Marko: If we continue to improve our sales in Europe we should be able to open new branches. Stan: Could I add something? Marko: Of course, go ahead. Stan: Thanks Marko. I think we should open new branches in any case. If we improve sales great, but if we dont we still need to open stores. Marko: Thank you Stan. As I was saying, if we improve sales we can afford to open new branches.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Forms of Simple Stimulus Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Forms of Simple Stimulus Learning - Essay Example It is the most fundamental, individual way to reduce the unnecessary excitability of nervous system. Habituation appears after the multiple systematic repetitions of a particular stimulus. If it is not threatening life and body, after many perceptions of a stimulus, reaction decreases steadily. It depends on the frequency of repetitions until complete disappearance of the reaction. In other words, we "learn" do not react to stimuli, which do not cause any harm to us.   For example, a person, living in the vicinity of a railway, stops responding to the noise of passing trains very soon. Though, at first, the noise was annoying enough and interfered with sleeping. The same way, we get used to the sounds of the clock and flowing water, to billboards and road signs. The stimuli are no longer come to our consciousness. Perceiving familiar stimuli as common things, we just ignore them. For us, such adaptation means getting a state, where we can recognize easily new, important stimuli among the multiplicity of familiar, insignificant ones.  Ã‚   The reaction of habituation does not mean getting fatigue or tiredness of receptors. After the development of habituation, the nervous system continues perceiving a stimulus; just it needs a little effort to cause reaction immediately.   In nature, habituation is represented widely: from primitive creatures up to human beings. It provides an adequate reaction of a body to eliminate all superfluous, unnecessary perceptions, maintaining just reactions to the most important key stimuli. Such adaptation of nervous system saves lots of energy for an organism.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

ITM 301 MOD 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ITM 301 MOD 3 SLP - Essay Example In addition, tabs such as News, Analysis, Blogs, Videos, and Slideshows are also visible on the home page. Overall look and feel Its overall structure meets the standard of a professional website, and covers wide ranges of technological information. However, the exceeding priority given to advertisements undermines the genuineness of its fundamental objectives. It mainly targets people who are interested in technological innovations or people working in Technical field. It also provides useful information to business executives and other professional individuals who would purchase technical devices. Useful features of the site Obviously, the various tabs on the tope of the home page make the website more user-friendly. Similarly, the CIO provides links to social networking sites such as facebook and twitter. It assists the users to share important information through their favorite social networks. Despite their excessiveness, advertisements seen on each page of the website would aid the users to select their best option. The whole resources on the website are free to users; and evidently, the site meets its maintenance costs and other expenses from advertisers. The search option at the top-right corner of the home page enables the users to access required information by entering a key word or phrase.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Creating the resume Essay Example for Free

Creating the resume Essay Looking for the perfect job? If you are, then you better invest in the quality of paper works that you submit to your dream company. Whatever you submit as basis for your credentials will create the company’s impression of who you are. Thus, there is a need to learn the proper way of writing resumes, curriculum vitae and cover letters. These three main documents reveal basically reveal your personal information and your desire to become a part of the company. The resume writing part is a 101 guide to writing a resume that will suit ones qualifications and job application. There are several kinds of resume and it would be best to know how these kinds are written. The resume writing guide teaches how one should write his qualifications such as his personal information, educational background and work experiences. It also elaborates on the writing mistakes that an applicant should avoid in writing his resume and some tips in creating an impressive one. This part also points out the major differences between a resume and curriculum vitae and when these documents could be utilized in job applications. The cover letter writing teaches the reader how to properly write a cover letter and be able to send one’s message across without difficulty. It also elaborates on the importance of this type of document to job applications. Writing tips as well as samples can also be seen on this part for the reader to better understand the process of writing such document. Making it to the interview process in a job application may either make or unmake one’s application. The impression that one would create on that interview will determine his future to the company. Thus, there is a need to make a really good impression. The site provides tips in preparing for a job interview such as what clothes to wear and how to act during the interview. This part also includes frequently asked questions by employers. Another part of the website is the highlight it provides to successful personalities and their careers. This part shows their achievements, the difficulties they faced in attaining the positions that they have and how they were able to cope up with these problems. RESUME With the influx of qualified applicants for a job, getting employed has become a very challenging task. Applicants here and there are fighting hard in order to get the job thus, there is a need for one to make a good impression at once. The best way to make a good first impression is to prepare an efficient, concise and striking resume. A resume is a selling tool which outlines the applicants experiences and skills for the employer to initially assess whether or not the applicant can contribute to the company. The goal in writing a resume is to instantly get the attention of the employer and lead him to think that the applicant has what it takes to compete for the job. In order to make the employer think about this, the applicant should read journals, magazines and books and even ask professionals to determine what the the needed requirements for the job and the necessary skills that will interest the employer. A resume is usually one to two pages long. It provides a summary of the applicants skills, education and experience. It does not have to be long to the point of revealing the applicants life history. It should only be concise but complete. There are several types of resumes and these are the following: ? chronological resume-this kind of resume starts with ab outline of the work history starting with the recent position. This kind is preferred by many employers because it provides easy access to the positions held and the length of service. It is usually used by people who have a good employment history. ? functional resume-this kind focuses on the skills and experience of the applicant. It is usually used by people who changes careers or who have gaps in their history of employment. ? combination resume-this type lists the skills and experience then the employment history. This kind enables the applicant to highlight the needed skills for the job as well as indicate the employment history preferred by the employer ? targeted resume-unlike the other types of resumes which can easily be accomplished for general employment purposes, a targeted resume is customized to fit the needed qualifications for a specific job. RESUME WRITING TIPS In writing a resume, one has to consider the following: 1. An effective resume is clearly focused on a specific job and addresses the requirements specified by the employer for a certain position. The applicant should know what the employer needs for the job and how the applicant can provide solution to these needs. 2. Among the elements that should be seen on a resume are positive personal characteristics, foreign language skills, educational accomplishments, technical and computer skills, experience gained in internships, work history and awards received. 3. The resume should also present a clear-cut objective that will signify to the employer the position desired for. It should match the keywords that the employer included in the job posting. 4. The heading should indicate the applicants name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. The name should be located in the middle part, written in bold letters and the font is larger than the other texts in the paper. 5. Educational accomplishments should start from the most recent. It should indicate the degree finished, major and minor as well as the date of graduation. The name of the institution should be in bold letters. All special programs as well as workshops should be indicated. 6. Work experience should also be written from the recent to the least. A steady job held for some years may be highlighted to signify the applicants work attitude. 7. Additional interests and information should include a list of special talents and interests. This will show to the employer that the applicant has a balanced lifestyle and can function beyond the job qualifications. 8. Active words should be employed in creating the resume.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

candy Essay -- essays research papers

Candy Thesis: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Opening Statement B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thesis II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Skittles A. B. I would like to think of myself as a healthy eater. I try not to eat much meat during the week and I always eat a variety vegetables. Nevertheless, I have this weakness that renders all my attempts at healthy eating D.O.A. Of course I am talking about candy. Even thought it is almost completely made of sugar, I cannot get enough. Everyone has their favorite candy; some may like sour or sweet while others stick to the classics; chocolate or camel. The only problem is I like them all so narrowing it down is not easy. I think the best way would be to pick through my long list of favorites and come up with the top three. My all time favorite candy’s are, in no particular order, laffy taffy, skittles, and pralines. Some people simply despise fruity candies. Somehow I always seem to find myself not only buying, but also enjoying them. It seems the sky is the limit when it comes to the colors and flavors availably to choose from. Even through the seemingly endless type, I stay true to skittles in particular. I simply cannot get enough of those delicious little candies. They are about the same size as an m&m, but much more colorful. I would say my favorite flavor would have to be the red ones. The colors coordinate to the flavors. Red skittles are strawberry. The purple ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Firsthand experience Essay

Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. What makes you happy may not make someone else happy. The idea of happiness may not be the same for any two people, or maybe not for anyone you come across with. Happiness is an emotion causes by thousands of things. It is an abstract idea that cannot be fully described. What makes you happy changes as you get older, you do not like the same things your whole life so it is normal that your interests start to change. Like mentioned before not everyone has the same interests and cannot feel happiness from the same things. From firsthand experience I can say that I am the perfect example of finding different happiness. They have changed from my years in elementary school, middle school, and high school. Let’s start with elementary school. When I was in elementary school what brought me happiness was having time to spend at my friend’s house after school. Because I lived far away from the school that I attended I didn’t really know anyone in my neighborhood. There were days though that my parents would let me go to a friend’s house and stay there for a few hours while they got out of work. I didn’t have to be at my grandma’s house bored so that made me really happy, and I had a lot of fun while I was there so that made it even better. Another thing that made me feel happiness was being able to go two days out of the week to band practice. I liked being able to play my instrument and making beautiful sound come out of something so little. Playing with the band was my thing I could not stop smiling and feeling all this joy inside as I played. When the director put his arms up and signaled us to start playing was so thrilling knowing that we were about to make beautiful music all together. I think back and see how simple things made me really happy as a child. Now let’s talk about middle school. While I was in middle school I was still in band and yes it still brought me happiness. The main thing that brought me happiness while I was in middle school was being a little more free from home and my parents. If I remember correctly it was seventh grade that I went to my first dance, you can imagine my excitement. When I was at the dance my friends and I were having a great time, we were laughing and dancing the whole time. Because it was my first dance it was a very fun time, and it brought so much happiness to be able to share that experience with my friends. When I was in high school all of my interests changed and even now I have the same interests. I found my passion for singing so I auditioned to join the school choir and I made it. Being in choir class was the best thing that I did when I was in high school. The happiness that I felt when I walked into that class every day I have no words to describe it. To top it all off when I started to sing and hear the chords we would all make together gave me the chills. There was not a single day that passed where hearing myself and others around me sing was not magical. When I would have a bad day I waited for third period to talk into class grab my folder from my cubic and start to sing and just forget about everything. Music was my escape from being upset, it was the way for me to forget about what was going on in my life. The happiness I felt was so great, even now I turn to music for help and comfort. In conclusion, happiness is an abstract emotion that cannot be easily defined. Not everyone feels happiness in the exact same way or from the same things. But no matter where our happiness comes from we all feel it. We feel it as kids, as teenagers, and as adults. Even though what causes us happiness may change the characteristics of it do not. The smile, the giggle, and the butterflies in your stomach do not disappear. From firsthand experience I know that we all go through phases, but not matter how old we get, we are always going to be happy.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life as a Buddhist Essay

Many people all around this planet have knowingly or unknowingly met people of the Buddhist community or even seen a Buddhist Temple. In whatever circumstances, hearing of, meeting with the real Buddhists or visiting their temple is not an issue. The fundamental question is, ‘what is Buddhism? ’ An article, The Buddhist Way appearing in the Buddha Net (2008) defines Buddhism as, â€Å"†¦a religion, a series of practices and a way of life based on the teachings of Buddha who, after achieving enlightenment, taught that the nature of the world is constant change. † According to the teaching of Buddha, all things in this world are temporary and the inability to understand life’s nature is the source of people’s unhappiness, trouble and their suffering. Buddhism is therefore a means to correct people’s views, expectations along with their conduct and bring happiness, peace, wisdom, Nirvana and end suffering. Buddha’s teachings are a source of inspiration to people whose religion is Buddhism. Their lives have perhaps been influenced by these teachings (Buddha Net 2008). This essay seeks to explore through the day to day life of Buddhist men, women and children The males were the dominant figures in the Buddhist community. Their responsibility was to take care of the females in their community. They were the voice in their families and no woman could dare go against their wishes. The woman could only manage the affairs of the house in the way that the husband dictated. The males could marry as many wives as their strength allowed (Buddha Net 2008). They could become monks to serve in the Buddhism religion where they were supposed to live a celibate life (Andrew, nd). To understand the situation currently facing the Buddhist woman, it is important to look at the early life of the Buddhist woman. The Buddhist woman seems to have gone through so much than any other living creature. Her life was that of submissiveness and servitude; as a child and youth, a wife and an elderly woman, she had to obey and serve her parents, husband and grown children respectively. They had no right to chose whom to marry and would marry anyone chosen to them by parents. On very rare occasions, they were given an opportunity to choose from a few suitors. Some of the women therefore were forced to elope. Once they were in marriage they were to obey their husbands together with his parents without question. Like objects, they could seldom make decisions; they were ordered on what was to be done by men (Andrew, nd). Women’s role in the Buddhist society was to manage household affairs such as cooking, cleaning the house, bearing and looking after the children. They only ate leftovers after the men had had their fill. Women were treated more or less like objects. Their husbands could beat them up if they were displeased to, an extent of being thrown out from the family house. A woman could not file for a divorce but a man could (Andrew, nd). Their role as said earlier was to bring forth children for their dear husbands and if the woman was barren, another wife was the better option for the husband. As opposed to men, women who committed adultery were put to death. Men could also give away their wives to their men friends. The woman was the most degraded creature in the early Buddhist community whose activates and decisions were under the remote control of men. Many women served as slaves and had to follow whatever their masters said even if it meant the sexual act. They were also beaten up by their master and even murdered without anyone’s alarm. Due to these merciless and regular beatings they occasionally committed suicide. The life of a traditional Buddhist woman was made of a dark cloud of suffering. Andrews in her article Women in Theravada Buddhism joins Janice Willis in saying that women â€Å"†¦were helpmates at best and burdens at worst, but always they were viewed as being inferior, second class citizens† (Andrew, nd). The birth of Buddha also marked the birth of the women’s freedom. At one time Buddha was asked about women by one of his disciples, Ananda and he replied that just like men, they could also become enlightened. Buddha in an effort of lifting the woman figure founded orders for both Bhikkhus (monks) and Bhikkhunis (nuns). The practices and rules that governed the two orders were similar. Buddha also taught anyone; male and females alike (Andrew, nd). However it had not been easy for Buddha to establish the order of nuns. Had it not been for his disciple Ananda’s pleading, the women could not have been ordained. Despite their ordination, Buddha dictated eight rules that placed the nuns as monks’ subordinates. To Buddha still, a woman was a lesser being. It was because of nuns’ ordination that his teachings would last for only 500 years instead of the expected 1000 years. Ordination of women was like a crime that he had committed (Andrew, nd). After the death of Buddha, the one time patriarch society wore back its earlier face. They could not deal with women nuns who were their equal and rules to lower the standards of women in the society were made. No one was against Buddha’s teachings that women could in the same way as men attain enlightment but there were certain limitations made for Bhikkhunis to perhaps increase acceptance of monastic rules in the society. Despite these limitations, many women joined the Bhikkhunis as there was more freedom, no servitude; no doing of household chores and above all they had independence. Once liberated, they taught the same to other women. Bhikkhunism therefore was a way of escaping from the harsh realities of life. All women could not be Bhikkhunis; some established other movements such as the Lay Women (Andrew, nd). The life expectations of a Buddhist child can be drawn from the teaching of Buddha to his own son Rahula. Parents and teachers were supposed to pass these teachings on to their children. A Buddhist child is expected to be truthful. If the Buddhist child wanted to find truth the child must be truthful in the first place. Children are also supposed grow up with their actions as mirrors. They were advised not to perform any action that seemed harmful. Children were supposed to learn from their mistakes and be responsible for their actions. They were also supposed to be compassionate. Buddhist children are also trained to become monks from an early age (Talbot, 2010) Conclusion Just like in any other institution, the Buddhist community has had their own way of life. Each and every group had a place it held in the society. However, it had been a patriarch society that infringed on the rights of women. Men were superior figures but women were expected to be in total submission of their husbands. With the coming of Buddha the status of women was lifted but was not equal to that of men. Women are still below men in communities that practice Buddhism such as in India and Thailand. References Andrew, K. (nd). Women in Theravada Buddhism. Retrieved form http://www. enabling. org/ia/vipassana/Archive/A/Andrews/womenTheraBudAndrews. html Buddha Net. (2008). The Buddhist way. Retrieved from http://www. buddhanet. net/e-learning/buddhism/bs-s01. htm Talbot, M. (2010). Introduction: teaching your children Buddhist values. Retrieved from http://www. tricycle. com/special-section/introduction-teaching-your-children-buddhist-values

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sentencing Guidelines and Constitutional Issues essays

Sentencing Guidelines and Constitutional Issues essays I will substantiate that the federal enhanced sentencing guidelines as they presently exists present troubling Constitutional issues. Judges use to determine criminal sentences by considering the facts of each case, including the circumstances of the offense and the life history of the offender. After these careful observations were made, the judge would choose a sentence they considered fair. Federal judges had only one requirement, and that the sentence would have to be within a statutory range. This practice fell into disfavor because it permitted too much disparity between cases. In 1984 Congress addressed these concerns by creating the United States Sentencing Commission and made the public aware of the terms of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The task of the judge was to look up on the grid the spot where the offense level intersected the criminal history, and at that point, a statutory range would be applied. These guidelines consisted of worksheets to calculate a pers on's sentence by using gridlines that created levels to every crime. Congress thought that creating this new system of sentencing it would bring order and reason to sentencing, but it didn't. Instead, serious offenders were given minor sentences, and minor offenders sometimes were given harsh sentences. Although the task seemed simple, they found out the hard way that one size doesn't fit all. One problem in the federal system is the complexity of the grid. The federal grid contains 258 boxes and the calculations needed to determine the proper box occupy a 393 page rule book with 539 pages of appendices. Every calculation opens the possibility of arithmetic error or interpretive disagreement, so the final product contains disparities that may be as bad as those the guidelines were designed to resolve. Another particularly crucial problem is that the grid shifts the sentencing power from the judge to the prosecutor's office. Before the grid, pros...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cable Based Television †Retaining Customers

Cable Based Television – Retaining Customers The industry of communications has grown exponentially during the past years allowing cable and satellite television companies to capture a large piece of the market. According to the National Cable & Telecommunications Association cable television was introduced since the late 1940’s in the USA while satellite TV was introduced in the early 90’s. According to the Television Bureau of Advertising (tvb.org) Cable television has lost significantly part of its market share to the newly introduced Satellite TV providers. According to research by Nielsen Company reported by tvb.org in February of 1999 the percentage of TV per household receiving cable television was at 70% while 9.1% came from any form of Satellite receivers while in July of 2009 only 62.2 % belonged to cable transmission while 28.6% to satellite receivers. This data is somehow alarming to cable companies all around. Even though they still remain as a top provider they have lost a significantly share of the market over a rather short period of time. This calls for action from the cable companies to analyze and evaluate new strategies to retain customers and eventually gain back the customers lost. This situation might change depending on the providers of the services, also affecting other things such as quality of the service, installation processes, prices and even customer services. While Satellite providers started appealing to a higher income percentage of the population now they are working their way down the income latter to appeal with better prices and bundles. The present marketing plan aims to draw a clear strategy that will start locally in the area of Tampa and surrounding cities. If the implementation is effective then it shall be replicated to all the other states and cities were the company in question, Bright house Networks, works as a Cable provider. Having in mind that cable is something that people can definitely live without, it is a harder task to preserve the nee d especially during rough times as perceived by the public in general. With the introduction of technology the addition of internet service provider to the cable companies has been a very smart way to create an increased need for the services and the effect of this shall be explored within the marketing plan, including the differences between the different services offered by the satellite TV and Cable TV providers which are often a deal breaker when deciding to stay or change companies. Company Overview Bright house Networks is a cable provider company established in 1994, it was merged with Warner Cable and other local cable providers to form the new company with new goals in mind and definitely different managerial styles. According to Bright House Networks, LLC Company Profile on Yahoo Finance it has over 2 million subscribers in the areas of Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana, and Michigan. Recently, Bright House Networks ranked highest in customer satisfaction for the fourt h year in a row by J.D. Power and Associates for Home Phone and for the delivery of High Speed Internet in the South Region. (Brighthouse.com/company overview) The company has a very important presence in Tampa and surrounding cities. It is the main cable provider in the area offering also other services such as high speed internet and telephone services which they cater to both households and business alike.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Service letters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service letters - Essay Example In addition, a good friend of the family was talking coffee with us, and she commented about the young man to me, claiming that he had once stayed with her when one of the machines broke down until it was repaired. Your juice stores have always given me excellent service and acts, as a place for me to meet my friends. I always feel comfortable even when I am not having a drink because the waiters know that I am a regular visitor. I have noticed that the waiters, including Mr. Rodman, always try to make the customer’s experience much better, which must be difficult with all the diverse people who visit the store. These groups always want different flavors, as was the case with my nephews. One of them wanted a Pina Colada, while the others wanted a Strawberry Julius and an Orange Julius respectively. Even with the long line behind us, Mr. Rodman pulled more than fifteen colored cups out of the sleeve until he had the right ones, after which he made beverages for all of us, chatting up my nephews. We were all very grateful. I find his attitude brilliant because it is not possible to train understanding and empathy, which means that this is one of your requirements for potential employees, especially as I have heard the same complements from my friends. I felt like Mr. Rodman showed maturity and understanding from his experience of serving families and small children. Even though, buying juice is not the most memorable moment of anyone’s day, I always remember to visit it every time I come to the mall. I have also learnt a lesson from this experience, which is that understanding and maturity may be more costly and elicit more opinions, but it creates loyalty for customers. This is not in any training manual, but I feel that many stores have a lot to learn from you. I know that I will stay a loyal customer to your business. Thank you. I am writing this letter as a complaint about the terrible service